Kia Rio: Auto Light Sensor Inspection
In the state of IGN1 ON, when multi function switch module detects auto
light switch on, tail lamp relay output and head lamp low relay output are controlled
according to auto light sensor's input.
The auto light control doesn't work if the pin sunlight supply (5V regulated
power from Ignition 1 power to sunlight sensor) is in short circuit with the
If IGN1 ON, The BCM monitors the range of this supply and raises up a
failure as soon as the supply’s voltage is out of range. Then this failure occurs
and as long as this is present, the head lamp must be turned on without taking
care about the sunlight level provided by the sensor.
This is designed to prevent any head lamp cut off when the failure occurs
during the night.
Operate the auto light switch, then check for continuity between terminals
of multi-function switch connector.
Disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal.
Remove the photo & auto light sensor (A) from crash pad upper
side by using screw ( ...