Kia Rio: Radiator: Removal and Installation - Cooling System - Engine Mechanical System - Kia Rio UB 2012-2025 Service ManualKia Rio: Radiator: Removal and Installation

Disconnect the battery negative terminal.

Tightening torque
(-) terminal (without battery sensor):
7.8 ~ 9.8N.m (0.8 ~ 1.0kgf.m, 5.8 ~ 7.2lb-ft)
(-) terminal (with battery sensor):
4.0 ~ 6.0N.m (0.4 ~ 0.6kgf.m, 3.0 ~ 4.4lb-ft)

Remove the air cleaner assembly. (Refer to Intake and exhaust system in this group)
Remove the under covers (A).

Tightening torque:
6.9 ~ 10.8 N.m (0.7 ~ 1.1 kgf.m, 5.1 ~ 8.0 lb-ft)

Loosen the drain plug and drain the coolant. Open the radiator cap to make rapid draining.

Never remove the radiator cap when the engine is hot. Serious scalding could be caused by hot fluid under high pressure escaping from the radiator.
Remove the radiator upper hose (A) and lower hose (B).

Install the radiator hoses as shown illustrations.

Disconnect the fan connector (A) and the ATF cooler hoses (B)(A/T only). (Refer to AT group)

Remove the front bumper. (Refer to BD group)
Remove the rail (A) and the air guard (B).

Remove the cover (A).

Remove the upper cover (A) and the radiator mounting brackets (B).

Tightening torque :
6.9 ~ 10.8N.m (0.7 ~ 1.1kgf.m, 5.1 ~ 8.0lb-ft)

Remove the A/C condenser (A) from the radiator assembly and then lift up the radiator assembly (B).

Remove the cooling fan (A) from the radiator (B).

Installation is reverse order of removal.

Bleed air from the cooling system.
Start engine and let it run until it warms up. (Until the radiator fan operates 3 or 4 times.)
Turn off engine. Check the coolant level and add coolant if needed. This will allow trapped air to be removed from the cooling system.
Put the radiator cap on tightly, then run engine again and check for leaks.
Radiator: Circuit Diagram

Radiator: Inspection
Radiator Cap Testing 1. Remove the radiator cap, wet its seal with engine coolant, then install it to pressure tester. 2. Apply ...

See also:

Ignition Switch Assembly Installation
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1. Connect the GDS on the Data Link Connector (DLC). 2. Measure the output voltage of the RPS at idle and various engine speed. ...

Front Wheel Alignment
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