Kia Rio: Clutch & Brake Components Location - Clutch & Brake - Automatic Transaxle System - Kia Rio UB 2012-2024 Service ManualKia Rio: Clutch & Brake Components Location

1. Overdrive clutch (OD/C)
2. One way clutch (OWC)
3. Low & Reverse brake (LR/B)
4. Underdrive brake (UD/B)
5. 26 brake(26/B)
6. 35R clutch (35R/C)
7. Damper clutch (D/C)

Clutch & Brake
The 6-spd automatic transaxle consists of an overdrive clutch (OD/C), a one-way clutch (OWC), a lower and reverse brake (LR/B), an underdrive brake (UD/B), a 26 brake (26/B), and a 35R clutch ...

Clutch & Brake Power Flow Chart
P,N UD/B LR/B 26/B 35R/C OD/C OWC ● ▣ Direction of Rotation ...

See also:

Anchor Pretensioner (APT) Removal
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable, and wait for at least thirty seconds before beginning work. 2. Remove the seat belt after pushin ...

Underdrive Brake Control Solenoid Valve(UD/B_VFS) Removal
   Replacing an on/off solenoid valve (SS-A, SS-B) does not require additional hydraulic pressure adjustment; however, the ...

Smart key unit Component

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