Kia Rio: Starter: Inspection - Starting System - Engine Electrical System - Kia Rio UB 2012-2025 Service ManualKia Rio: Starter: Inspection

Starter Solenoid Inspection
Disconnect the lead wire from the M-terminal of solenoid switch.
Connect the battery as shown. If the starter pinion pops out, it is working properly.

To avoid damaging the starter, do not leave the battery connected for more than 10 seconds.

Disconnect the battery from the M terminal.
If the pinion does not retract, the hold-in coil is working properly.

To avoid damaging the starter, do not leave the battery connected for more than 10 seconds.

Disconnect the battery also from the body. If the pinion retracts immediately, it is working properly.

To avoid damaging the starter, do not leave the battery connected for more than 10 seconds.

Free Running Inspection
Place the starter motor in a vise equipped with soft jaws and connect a fully-charged 12-volt battery to starter motor as follows.
Connect a test ammeter (150-ampere scale) and carbon pile rheostats shown is the illustration.
Connect a voltmeter (15-volt scale) across starter motor.

Rotate carbon pile to the off position.
Connect the battery cable from battery's negative post to the starter motor body.
Adjust until battery voltage shown on the voltmeter reads 11volts.
Confirm that the maximum amperage is within the specifications and that the starter motor turns smoothly and freely.
Current (Max.)
Speed (Min.)
ISG type
95 A
3,400 rpm
Non-ISG type
95 A
2,500 rpm

Armature Inspection And Test
Remove the starter.
Disassemble the starter as shown at the beginning of this procedure.
Inspect the armature for wear or damage from contact with the permanent magnet. If there is wear or damage, replace the armature.

Check the commutator (A) surface. If the surface is dirty or burnt, resurface with emery cloth or a lathe within the following specifications, or recondition with #500 or #600 sandpaper (B).

Check the commutator diameter. If the diameter is below the service limit, replace the armature.

Commutator diameter
Standard (New) : 29.4 mm (1.1575 in)
Service limit : 28.8 mm (1.1339 in)

Measure the commutator (A) runout.
If the commutator runout is within the service limit, check the commutator for carbon dust or brass chips between the segments.
If the commutator run out is not within the service limit, replace the armature.

Commutator runout
Standard (New) : 0.05mm (0.0020in.) max
Service limit : 0.08mm (0.0031in.) max

Check the mica depth (A). If the mica is too high (B), undercut the mica with a hacksaw blade to the proper depth. Cut away all the mica (C) between the commutator segments. The undercut should not be too shallow, too narrow, or v-shaped (D).

Commutator mica depth
Standard (New) : 0.5mm (0.0197in.)
Limit : 0.2mm (0.0079 in.)

Check for continuity between the segments of the commutator. If an open circuit exists between any segments, replace the armature.

Check with an ohmmeter that no continuity exists between the commutator (A) and armature coil core (B), and between the commutator and armature shaft (C). If continuity exists, replace the armature.

Inspect Starter Brush
Brushes that are worm out, or oil-soaked, should be replaced.

Bruch length
Standard : 12.3 mm (0.4843 in)
Service limit : 5.5 mm (0.2165 in)

Starter Brush Holder Test
Make sure there is no continuity between the (+) brush holder (A) and (-) plate (B). If there is continuity, replace the brush holder assembly.

Pry back each brush spring (A) with a screwdriver, then position the brush (B) about halfway out of its holder, and release the spring to hold it there.

Install the armature in the housing, and install the brush holder. Next, pry back each brush spring again, and push the brush down until it seats against the commutator, then release the spring against the end of the brush.

To seat new brushes, slip a strip of #500 or #600 sandpaper, with the grit side up, between the commutator and each brush, and smoothly rotate the armature. The contact surface of the brushes will be sanded to the same contour as the commutator.

Overrunning Clutch
Slide the overrunning clutch along the shaft.
Replace it if does not slide smoothly.
Rotate the overrunning clutch both ways.
Does it lock in one direction and rotate smoothly in reverse? If it does not lock in either direction or it locks in both directions, replace it.

If the starter drive gear is worn or damaged, replace the overrunning clutch assembly. (the gear is not available separately).
Check the condition of the flywheel or torque converter ring gear if the starter drive gear teeth are damaged.
Starter: Reassembly
1. Reassemble in the reverse order of disassembly. ...

Starter: Cleaning
1. Do not immerse parts in cleaning solvent. Immersing the yoke assembly and/or armature will damage the insulation. Wipe these parts with a cloth only. ...

See also:

Speakers Removal
Front Speaker 1. Remove the front door trim panel. (Refer to the BD group - "Front door") 2. Remove the front speaker (A) ...

Hands free switch Inspection
1. Check the hands free remote control switch for resistance between No.4 and No.5 terminals in each switch position. Audio + Bluetooth [LH] ...

Front Hub / Knuckle Disassembly
1. Remove the snap ring (A). 2. Remove the hub assembly from the knuckle assembly. (1) Install the ...

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